Cheaper Alternatives to Porcelain Veneers
Dental bonding and porcelain veneers have much in common. Both cosmetic dental restorations offer quick smile makeovers. Minimally invasive, dental bonding and porcelain veneers attach to the front side of your tooth with nominal tooth preparation. While dental bonding corrects many of the same smile issues as porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding is cheaper than veneers because of the material used. Dental bonding relies on less expensive composite bonding instead of porcelain shaped by expert dental ceramists.
Lightening Fast Smile Transformations
One of the most notable benefits of dental bonding is the swiftness with which cosmetic bonding can change your appearance. Dental bonding can correct several smile issues at once including closing smile gaps, covering permanent tooth stains, and smoothing jagged tooth edges. Since cosmetic bonding is made of composite resin, the bonding can be shaped directly on top of the tooth. Unlike porcelain veneers that must be shaped in a dental lab, cosmetic bonding can be placed in as little as one dental appointment with our Waco cosmetic dentist, Dr. Locke.
Special Considerations for Dental Bonding
Dental bonding, a permanent cosmetic dental procedure, is not as durable as porcelain veneers. While porcelain veneers may last up to 30 years, dental bonding typically lasts from 5-10 years. Since dental bonding is made of more porous material, they are more likely to incur stains. Meticulous oral hygiene and dental cleanings are necessary to keep your cosmetic bonding looking fresh and white. Our Waco cosmetic dentist, Dr. Locke, recommends brushing twice daily and flossing at least once a day to prevent bonding staining.
Cosmetic Dentistry in Waco
For more information about a smile makeover from Dr. Corbet Locke, contact our Waco dental office for a cosmetic dentistry consultation. You can schedule an appointment with our Waco cosmetic dentist by calling 254-776-4888.