Over the last few weeks, or even months, have you been struggling with increasing dental discomfort? In fact, recently, has the sensitivity progressed to downright pain, which is now making it difficult to eat, or even drink, without growing discomfort? If so, you are likely struggling with a dental problem, such as a deep cavity… Read More
Sure, the kids heading back to school may be getting most of the attention this time of year, along with the new clothes, backpacks, lunch boxes and other necessities they will need for another swell school semester. But that doesn’t mean that you, as a teacher or administrator, don’t deserve some fall updates of your… Read More
Are you a diligent tooth brusher, and even a regular flosser yet you still seem to struggle frequently with oral health problems, such as chronic dry mouth or cavities? Maybe you have been fortunate enough to enjoy good dental health in the past, but wonder if there is anything more that you should be doing… Read More
Are you embarrassed by the smile staring back at you in the mirror? Do you shy away from photographs, and even time with friends, because you feel so insecure, due to flaws in your smile? Many adults struggle to feel confident and self-assured, because of imperfections in their smile. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry, like porcelain veneers,… Read More
Is it difficult to enjoy hot and cold foods, due to heightened sensitivity? Are you concerned that you may have developed a dental cavity? If so, you can keep calm knowing that dental fillings are often a simple and fast way to protect a tooth after a cavity. Even better, excellent preventive care can help… Read More
The kids will be heading back to school any day now, and that means that you will likely have a full calendar throughout the fall. Before your schedule becomes jam-packed, though, take time to stock your fridge and pantry with healthy lunch options your kids will enjoy, but items that are also dentist-approved. After all,… Read More
Do you often find yourself dreaming about the confidence you felt when you were younger? Is your insecurity, now, related to changes you’ve noticed in your smile? Over time, many people struggle with visible changes to their teeth and gums, changes that can cause embarrassment when smiling. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry makes it possible to hide… Read More
Did you lose a tooth recently? As an adult, the loss of a tooth can be a troubling occurrence, one that raises many more questions. “Are my other teeth in jeopardy? How is my smile going to function? Will I ever be able to smile confidently again?” These are just a few of the many… Read More
Have you grown concerned that you might be struggling with a dental issue? Cavities are one incredibly common dental problem, one that affects nearly 90 percent of the adults in America. Gum disease is also widespread, with some studies indicating that half of American adults may currently be struggling with gum disease. While preventive dentistry… Read More
For parents, fall means the kids go back to school, but that they do as well. From daily drop offs, to meetings with teachers, band banquets, football games and a whole host of other activities, when summer break is over many family’s schedules kick into high gear. With so much busyness it can be all-too-easy… Read More