Do you often find yourself waking up in the morning with aching jaws and a throbbing headache? Are your teeth more sensitive than usual, with no obvious explanation? Have you been to various specialists in an attempt to rid your life of these uncomfortable symptoms, but to no avail? If so, you could be unknowingly… Read More
Despite the relative safety and ease with which modern dentists perform root canal therapy, we often speak with patients who delay this important procedure for months or even years. The combination of Dr. Corbet Locke’s experience, skill, and dental technology makes root canal therapy faster, more effective, and more comfortable than ever before. Before you… Read More
Treating gum disease can be a tricky affair, especially when so many adults allow it to go on for months, even years, before seeking help. For Dr. Corbet Locke, a dentist in Waco TX who has more than 20 years of experience, it’s an unsettling trend and one he sees all too frequently. He compares… Read More
Managing stomach acid is tricky business. We need it to properly digest food, but too much acid wreaks havoc on the teeth and esophagus. Most patients find that antacid offers short-term relief from their symptoms. However, Waco, TX general dentist Dr. Corbet Locke cautions that popping antacids might actually do more harm than good in… Read More
You try hard to keep yourself healthy and happy. You pay your bills on time, drink plenty of water, get the kids to school, and work hard at your job. You brush twice daily, floss at least once, and steer clear of foods that stain your teeth. Why, then, do you still have that awful… Read More
With aging comes great wisdom, experience, and insight. Unfortunately, it also increases the risk of developing serious oral health issues. As a result of these changes, many adults must reevaluate their current lifestyle to accommodate changes in teeth, gums, and bones. These changes also affect caregivers, who are now more likely than ever to be… Read More
If you have been considering giving your smile a makeover, you will want to give some serious thought to porcelain veneers. Widely praised for the impressive transformations they yield, porcelain veneers are a great means of achieving your ideal smile. To learn more about what makes porcelain veneers so popular, consult the following list from… Read More
Does Your Smile Need a Boost? If you spend more time hiding your smile from others than enjoying the company of your friends and family, your feelings about your teeth are affecting your life in a substantial way. Moreover, these negative feelings are probably taking their toll on your general outlook on life. Smiling releases… Read More
Waco TX Dentist Explains the Importance of Your Teeth How would your life change if you lost your teeth? The answer is a long one. So many aspects of your life would be different. You would find speech much more difficult, and you would have to alter your diet to compensate for your diminished ability to break… Read More
A tooth that has been made vulnerable by bruxism (teeth grinding), decay, or a variety of other factors may eventually require extraction if it is not restored. In most cases, a tooth that is restored from this condition will require a dental crown. Strong and durable, dental crowns are hollow prosthetic teeth that are design… Read More