It is hard to undervalue the role that homecare plays in your oral health. When it comes down to it, the daily acts of brushing and flossing have a tremendous impact upon whether or not tooth decay and gum disease will occur. Therefore, to help you in your efforts of maintaining a healthy mouth, your… Read More
Are you unhappy with your smile because of crooked teeth? If so, you’ve probably thought about braces. However, as an adult, getting braces can be quite daunting. People just don’t seem to wear braces past a certain age, and the thought of agreeing to sport metal wires and brackets for an extended period of time… Read More
Tooth loss can be a scary thing for an adult. After all, adult teeth do not grow back. Adults may see tooth loss as a sign of aging and a deterioration in oral health. However, tooth loss does not have to be so tragic. With the aid of dental implants, your Waco dentist, Dr. Corbet… Read More
Playing sports is a great way to stay in shape and maintain good heart health. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that sports activities are entirely risk-free. Often, people can damage their teeth due to a sport’s injury. Thankfully, your Waco dentist, Dr. Corbet Locke, offers a custom-made solution. With a mouth guard, people can safeguard their… Read More
The word “dentistry” can be a little deceiving. Dent is a Latin word meaning “tooth,” but not all of dentistry is focused on the teeth alone. A significant portion is also focused on the gums. The same should be true of your homecare because unhealthy gums can have disastrous consequences. Your Waco dentist, Dr. Corbet… Read More
If you’ve ever visited your dentist, seen a dental hygiene commercial, or run your tongue across your teeth after you haven’t brushed for a while, then you’re probably familiar with dental plaque. The sticky, gross feeling of plaque covering your teeth is enough to prompt most people to run for a toothbrush, or at least… Read More
Through the course of our dedication to helping you ensure the utmost dental health and function, Dr. Locke has spoken extensively about the phenomenon of TMJ disorder and its ability to generate a wide variety of symptoms, such as how the jaw dysfunction can often be the cause of frequent headaches and other craniofacial pains…. Read More
Getting braces later in life can have a serious impact on your professional image as well as your self-esteem. Just imaging going through a workday with metal wires and brackets plastered to the front of your teeth. Eventually after enduring a few double takes and some staring, you would probably try to hide your teeth… Read More
Are you missing a tooth? Have you looked into any restorative procedures? If you have, you may have read about dental implants and the lifelike restorations they yield. But dental implants can do far more than restore the appearance of your smile. Take this quiz from Waco dentist, Dr. Corbet Locke, and see what you… Read More
Do you have frequent headaches? What about jaw pain? The two could be more closely related than you think, and the cause itself may be something you do unconsciously. If you grind your teeth during the night, the strain may be manifesting itself in areas other than just your teeth. Here to explain the connection… Read More