Why are you afraid to visit the dentist? Dr. Locke can use a safe, effective oral sedation technique to help you feel comfortable and relaxed during your visit.
Dr. Locke can help you learn about your mouth with fun facts about oral care.
Your decisions at a food buffet will greatly affect your oral health. Visit Dr. Locke to make sure you’re not overfeeding the bacteria in your mouth.
Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones from Dr. Corbet Locke and our dental team! We wish you happiness, health, and lots of smiles in 2012!
If you believe some of the common dental myths, your oral health will suffer. Dr. Locke can explain everything you need to know to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Some of your favorite celebrities may have had a lot of dental work to go into their great smile. Dr. Locke can make your smile a superstar.
Just because your mouth doesn’t hurt, doesn’t mean you’re completely healthy. Dr. Locke can detect any potentially harmful changes in your mouth to save your smile before it’s too late.
Your teeth chatter when your body gets cold. Dr. Locke can protect your smile from all your winter activities.
Eating a light snack throughout the day can keep you full enough to make healthy food choices at mealtimes. Dr. Locke can show you how to take care of your mouth after snacking.
Candy canes are sweet treats that can cover bad breath, but if not careful, can also crack and decay your teeth. Visit Dr. Locke to make sure your holiday treats are not destroying your mouth.